Zaveslaj med kulturnimi znamenitostmi Novega mesta / Paddle among the cultural sights of Novo mesto
Beach bar Loca
Topliška cesta 2c
8000 Novo mesto

Zaveslaj med kulturnimi znamenitostmi Novega mesta / Paddle among the cultural sights of Novo mesto

Novomeške znamenitosti kot so stolna cerkev sv. Nikolaja, slikoviti Breg, ki so ga na slikarskem platnu zelo radi upodabljali številni slikarji, tudi Novomeščan, slikar in grafik Božidar Jakac, Kandijski most, kateri je del pomembne tehnične dediščine Novega mesta, Frančiškanski samostan, vse to si lahko ogledate tudi z mirne gladine reke Krke.


Vabimo vas, da si izposodite čoln ali sup na Loki, v Beach baru Loca, in se od tu podate navzdol z rečnim tokom Krke. Na poti se boste zapeljali pod štirimi mostovi, pluli boste mimo dveh gradov Kamen in Novi dvor, v slednjem so leta 1945 po prezidavi uredili bolnišnico, v preteklosti pa je tu bivala tudi Prešernova muza, Primičeva Julija. Na plovbi naprej, pa boste občudovali že prej omenjene znamenitosti, ki dajejo značilno podobo Novemu mestu.

Program s čolnom ali supom traja cca. 1,5 ure.

Cena: Strošek izposoje sup-a in čolna, ter zaščitne opreme, znaša 12 eur/2 uri.

Možnost ogleda s turističnim vodnikom, doplačilo 40 eur.


Paddle among the cultural sights of Novo mesto

Gliding down the river offers a chance to see the many sights Novo mesto has to offer, such as the church of St Nicholas, the picturesque Breg river bank – a popular beauty spot for painters including the painter and graphic artist Božidar Jakac, Kandijski most (bridge), which is part of Novo mesto's significant technical heritage, and the Franciscan monastery.

You can rent a boat or a stand-up paddle board (SUP) at Loka, in the Loca Beach bar, and head down the Krka River. The course will lead you under four bridges and past two castles, Kamen and Novi dvor – the latter of which was reconstructed into a hospital in 1945, and is also known as the residence of Julija Primic, the well-known muse of France Prešeren. As you sail ahead you will be able to admire all the sights, which give Novo mesto its distinctive appearance.

The boat/SUP ride takes about an hour and a half.

Price: The cost of renting a SUP or a boat including protective equipment is 12€ for 2 hours.

Hiring a tourist guide costs an extra €40.


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